Peace Lily In Pot

  • Peace Lily In Pot
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Peace lilies have an elegant, calming presence, and provide the added benefit of removing harmful chemicals from the air, so they will improve your living space in many ways.

Keep peace lilies in bright, indirect light – near a window but not in direct summer sun – to ensure strong growth and flowering. Plants will survive in deeper shade but will rarely flower and will grow very slowly.
Average room temperatures are fine, anywhere between 12–24°C (55–75°F), but keep plants away from hot radiators and cold draughts.

Water peace lilies throughout the growing season, from April to October, once the top few centimetres of compost have become dry. Reduce watering slightly in winter when growth slows down. The fluoride in tap water can damage the foliage, so use rainwater or filtered water whenever possible.
If the compost dries out very quickly after watering, this may be a sign that your plant is rootbound and in need of a larger pot. Repot it in spring.


Peace lilies are poisonous, so always position them out of reach of children and pets.

(Please note this item is only available in our local delivery area. See our delivery page for more information).

Price: £27.50

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